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Homework Assignment week 9

Homework Assignment week 9

Q Week 9 Homework Assignment (20 points) This week’s homework is based on a hypothetical case in which a market analyst for a chocolate company wants to determine whether gender and chocolate preference (Dark, Milk, or White) are associated. Gender and chocolate preference are recorded for 400 randomly selected customers and the data is available in an SPSS data file. Click on this link to the file Chocolate preference.sav to access the data. Instructions: 1. Open the data file Chocolate preference.sav 2. From Chapter 6 - Example 6.1, use the instructions (4 – 8) as a guide to generate the analysis results shown here. 3. Discuss these results and state whether there is an association between gender and chocolate preference. Justify your statement 4. Save all your commands to a syntax file Deliverables: Word document in APA style formatting addressing tasks 2 – 3 above. Syntax file

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Analysis Table 1 shows that dark chocolate is preferred by 56.9% of females. This is slightly higher than the 44.4 percent of men who say they prefer it. In comparison to women, men prefer both milk and white chocolate, according to this table. In comparison to other chocolates, there is a significant difference in men and women who like dark chocolate. This is evident in the fact that only 20.8 percent of men and women prefer white chocolate, while only 28.5 percent prefer milk chocolate. Dark chocolate now has 50.7 percent of the market. The significance level is less than.05. As seen in table 2, the significance level is less than.05. This indicates that the relationship between gender and desire has statistical significance.